This section provides Wanos commands that an admin can use, mostly for troubleshooting purposes, if the Web User Interface is not accessible.
Add custom applications/services and ports
vi /tce/etc/wanos/portobjects
Edit groupobjects
vi /tce/etc/wanos/groupobjects
Edit inittab
vi /etc/inittab
Edit wanos.conf
vi /tce/etc/wanos/wanos.conf
Partition the free space to be used for the Datastore. Requires rebooting the machine. (Replace X with the correct drive letter. e.g. sda)
/tce/etc/wanos/wanos-fdisk sdX
Format a new partition. Requires rebooting of the machine. (Replace the first X with the drive letter and the second X with the correct partition number e.g. sda1)
sudo mkfs.ext3 sdXX
Stop Wanos Services
/etc/init.d/wanosd stop
or /etc/init.d/wanosd stop-all
Soft Reset
/etc/wanos/wanos reconfigure
Factory Reset