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Peer Down

By default wanos is in bridge/switch mode. This means traffic flows through wanos transparently as if it was a single cable.

In a simple point to point deployment, no configuration is essential to get peers online. No traffic policies, No multisite configs. Not even IP Addresses. Simple plug and play. For initial testing, it is recommended to start with this deployment.

Requirement to get peers online:

  1. Cabled correctly: wan0 needs to connect to the wan router and lan0 needs to connect to the lan switch. Check the logs, check the macs, switch port roles if required.
  2. Traffic: Peer will detect each other automatically once TCP traffic flows. When traffic stops, peers move into idle mode to make fail-over seamless.
  3. Flow: Traffic needs to flow through both devices in both directions. Check interface bandwidth graphs to ensure traffic flows in and out.
  4. Firewall: Some firewalls strip TCP Options. If this is suspected, enable UDP encapsulation on all ends.