Technical > Configuration

QoS/Shapping with one box

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I'm testing a new WanOS virtual box (only one), and I want to do shapping on my traffic. This is my lab scenario:
Virtual_PC --- WANOS --- LAN ---- Internet
If I drop traffic, works fine, but if I try to do shapping (on Rxtraffic), nothing happened.
My rules was: source, dst, tcp-21, shape 10kbps
Is there any way to make this work?

Hi Sacha,

Currently the whole Wanos QoS logic is designed around having two appliances. In this normal case, it is always better to shape the traffic as close as possible to the source. With this in mind Wanos does not shape/QoS inbound (Wan RX) traffic.

With the one appliance deployment, there is not another appliance to shape the traffic at the source. The lan0/wan0 can be swapped to achieve the required behavior I think you might be looking for.

We are currently implementing Layer7 QoS, which I think will be useful to have the QoS and shaping in both directions. We'll keep the standalone single appliance in mind for L7 QoS.

Thanks for the answer.
I guessed that only works Tx traffic, so I try to switch interfaces. Even it says they were switched, nothing happened (I can tell because the MAC still in the same place), and in logs this is what I see: "Error : Configured WAN0 Interface not found (00:50:56:95:76:c2".
Here is the whole log:
Any thoughts?

Hi Sacha,

The interfaces can be changed by editing: "vi /tce/etc/mactab"

Alternatively update to v.3.0.3

Just in case you were looking on how to update Wanos, please refer to the article below:

Software Update


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