Technical > Configuration

Enabling the webcache mode


From v.2.6.1, it seems that wanos implemented the webcache mode.
How we can enable / test that?

Edit: An article has been created: UPDATED: Enable Web Cache Mode

Hi Daigo,

It is enabled by changing HTTP_CACHE_REDIRECT= from false to true in /tce/etc/wanos/wanos.conf

At the current stage this feature is in beta phase.
A reboot will be needed to startup the Web Cache.
It can be verified by checking that port 3128 is open with 'netstat -n | grep :3128'
It should only be enabled on the branch units.
HTTP port 80 traffic from the LAN will be transparently redirected to the webcache.

Feedback most welcome, please.

Hi Antonie, 

A little off topic perhaps, but I think all settings should be able to be set in the gui if possible.  It minimises the administrative overhead.  Ideally there should be a single console to administer all appliances in the clients enterprise.

Having a gui demonstrates product maturity.

Hi Mark,

Yes, agree that the fully baked features need to go in the UI. At the moment we are still determining the merits of the webcache.

Large object caching would be useful.  Apple and Windows updates can soak up a lot of bandwith.


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