Technical > Troubleshooting

no tun0 interface

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Thanks for the suggestion.

The reason tunnel id is not part of the SPI is because the SPI must match on both sides. Say for example a hub and spoke, the hub would have 5 tunnels, but the spoke would have 1. In order to make the suggestion work, which we considered initially, it would be required to teach the user to make the tunnel id match on both ends. We would like the learning curve to be as low as possible for the user.

The issue that it is possible to configure the SPI with chars and not digits, is an oversight.

What are your end goals in testing IPSec?

Yep, i missed the point of different numbers (and IDs) of tunnels on each end.

I'm trying to test idea of "my own internet with blackjack and hookers". To connect several regional offices via regional hubs. We've sessions lost (for example - SAP sessions) on current platform with hardware-based VPNs.


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