Technical > Deployment

FTP throughput drops to 118kB/s from 1 MB/s if client WANOS device removed

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May be I am not able to explain.. Let me elaborate the scenario.
I have a LAB setup as shown below:
LAN -> WANOS (HQ) -> Router <-> Router ->WANOS (Branch) -> LAN

I ran 4 test cases.
1. FTP traffic, LAN to LAN, WANOS at both ends, Throughput 10 Mbps
2. FTP traffic, LAN to LAN, remove WANOS from Branch, Throughput 1Mbps
3. FTP traffic, LAN to LAN, remove WANOS from HQ also, Throughput 100 Mbps
4. HTTP traffic, LAN to LAN, WANOS at both ends, Throughput 1 Mbps

As per my understanding, WANOS v3 is of express license, so throughput will decrease to 1/10 i.e 10 Mbps, which is working fine. But as soon as I remove WANOS device from Branch, throughput drops to 1 Mbps. It should not drop.

Similarly, with HTTP traffic, throughput in first run is 10 Mbps, but if we download same file again, it drops to 1 Mbps.

I think this has been answered accurately: Wanos would not by default in software limit the pass-through to 1 Mbps. There is either some configuration e.g. the WAN Tx rate set to 1000 Kbps or a setting on the router. If it is not set by software configuration, then the next step is to look at the hardware level, maybe some USB-Ethernet adapters are used, or half duplex settings, or some rate limit setting on ESXi vNIC, but surely there is a rate limit somewhere to cause the 1 Mbps throughput. Even with optimization enabled and throughput at 10 Mbps, that is the end to end throughput, the actual WAN bandwidth used after optimization is likely still 1 Mbps.

That said, in a lab setting, this is desirable, as in the lab it is essential to see the acceleration (10 Mbps) compared to pass-through (1 Mbps).


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